Θηριωδίες Βουλγάρων 1941-44 στο Σιδηρόκαστρο, Σέρρες και στα χωριά μας στα έγραφα της CIA

Θηριωδίες Βουλγάρων to 1943 στο Σιδηρόκαστρο, Σέρρες, Στρυμόνα και στα χωριά μας στα έγραφα που κατείχε η CIA.

Όσοι Έλληνες γλύτωσαν από τον πόλεμο στην περιοχή μας είχαν να αντιμετωπίσουν την εξολόθρευση την οποία επιδίωκαν οι Βούλγαροι με κάθε τρόπο. Σκληρότητα, μίσος, μένος, αγριότητα από ηλικιωμένους, παιδιά, γυναίκες σε εγκυμοσύνη. Δολοφονίες, βιασμοί, ξυλοδαρμοί από του Βουλγάρους, στην περιοχή μας. κάψιμο ολόκληρων χωριών.

Το 1911-1913 μετά από 30 χρόνια το 1941-1944 σε επανάληψη, τίποτε δεν άλλαξε, τίποτα δεν διαφοροποιήθηκε στην στάση και στους τρόπους των Βουλγάρων.

Στις γνωστές περιπτώσεις που ξέραμε έρχονται να προστεθούν και αρκετές τις οποίες λησμονήσαμε ή δεν είχαμε ξανακούσει, μέσα από τα έγγραφα που κρατούσε η CIA.

Απομονώσαμε τμήματα που αφορούν την περιοχή μας.

Στις 14/8/43, ο Δημήτρης Θεοχαρίδης 31 ετών αναγκάστηκε να φύγει από τα Σέρρας με την οικογένειά του για να βρει μια πιο ασφαλή περιοχή στην Ελλάδα. Άλλα 24 άτομα ακολούθησαν την οικογένεια Θεοχαρίδη. Καθώς διέσχιζαν τον ποταμό Στρυμόνα, έγιναν αντιληπτοί από Βούλγαρους σκαπανείς που τους επιτέθηκαν.
Από αυτή την επίθεση σκοτώθηκαν οι παρακάτω
1) Ευμορφία Θεοχαρίδη 28 ετών
2) Βούλγαρη Ευαγγέλου, από Βόλο
3) Σουλτανίτσα, κόρη Θεοχαρίδη, 3 ετών
4) Η κόρη του Πασχάλη Δαμπελά  Πασχάλη. με τα 2 μικρά της παιδιά
5) Βασίλειος Χατζηγρηγορίου
8) Χρήστος Χατζηγρηγορίου, ετών 9
7) Καλλιόπη Δαμπελά 34 ετών, έγκυος
9) Γεώργιος Ταιτζης από Βεζνικου Σερρών.
Από τους 24 πρόσφυγες μόνο οι 8 κατάφεραν να ξεφύγουν κρυβόμενοι για αρκετές μέρες στα βουνά και τις χαράδρες.

Τον Οκτώβριο του 1945 Τον Ιωάννη Ιλιάδη, 45 ετών, έμπορο, τον λήστεψαν Βούλγαροι στρατιώτες στα Σέρρας και τον ξυλοκόπησαν τόσο πολύ που του έσπασαν το πόδι.
Ο Κλεάνθης Αβραμίδης 47 ετών και ο Κλεάνθης Χατζηνικολαϊδης εργάτες λιγνιτωρυχείων δέχτηκαν αλύπητα χτυπήματα στα Σέρρας και μετά στάλθηκαν στη φυλακή.

Τα μέλη της οικογένειας του αγρότη Δημητρίου Σκαρλάτου, ηλικίας 38 ετών, ξυλοκοπήθηκαν αλύπητα στις 22/6/43 στον Σιδηροδρομικό Σταθμό Σιδηροκάστρου: Δημήτριος Σκαρλάτος, Χρυσούλα Σκαρλάτου, τα παιδιά τους, Γεώργιος, Μαργιονίτσα, Φωτικά, Κατίνα και η μητέρα της, Κατερινη Σκαρλάτου, τα αδέρφια Νικόλας, Αθανάσιος, Μαρία και Μιχαήλ Σκαρλάτος.

Στο Σιδηρόκαστρο, το 1943, η βουλγαρική χωροφυλακή χτύπησαν με κλοτσίες την Νούλα Καποτοβάλτη, η οποία ήταν έγκυος, επειδή μιλούσε ελληνικά. Όταν την άφησαν ήταν σε πολύ άσχημη κατάσταση.

Τον Αύγουστο του 1943, ο Νικόλας Καρακίτσος, ο Θεόδωρος Βαρρήνης, ο Ερρίκος Ράπτης και 2 ακόμη άτομα επιχείρησαν να διασχίσουν τον Στρυμόνα. Βούλγαροι στρατιώτες τους αντιλήφθηκαν και πυροβόλησαν. Ο Θεόδωρος Βαρρήνης και ο Ερρίκος Ράπτης τραυματίστηκαν σοβαρά.

Τον Αύγουστο του 1943, η σύζυγος του Δημήτρη Θεοδωρίδου, κατοίκου των Σερρών, οδηγήθηκε στα χωράφια από Βούλγαρους χωροφύλακες. Εκεί 20 Βούλγαροι στρατιώτες και ο αστυνομικός του Αστυνομικού Σταθμού Σερρών την βίαζαν διαδοχικά.

Τον Αύγουστο του 1943, τέσσερα νεαρά κορίτσια βιάστηκαν από Βούλγαρους, τα κορίτσια ήταν πρόσφυγες στη συνοικία της Ευαγγελίστριας του Σιδηροκάστρου.

Το 1943 οι ληστείες των Ελλήνων κατοίκων γινόταν από τους δημοσίους υπαλλήλους και τη βουλγάρικη χωροφυλακή. Οι τελωνειακές αρχές της Ροδόπολης και των Ποροΐων ληστεύουν καθημερινά τους διερχόμενους πρόσφυγες προς την κατεχόμενη από τους Γερμανούς περιοχή της Μακεδονίας.

Τον Οκτώβριο του 1943, η Φωτεινή Καλσάικα, η Μανιό Νικολάου, η οικογένεια του Δημητρίου Χατζιακογλου, η Ελεονώρα Λεωντιάδου, ο Σπύρος Μακαβέος, η Έφη Κωνσταντινίδου, ο Μαργαρίτης, ο Μασχίδης, ο Δήμος Παπανικολάου, η Βάγια και η Αλντίνα Μπαξεβανίδου  ληστεύτηκαν από τους Βούλγαρους τελωνειακούς υπαλλήλους και χωροφύκακες.

Το 1943 οι βουλγαρικές αρχές εφαρμόζοντας ως δικαιολογία τον νόμο της επίταξης, κατάσχεσαν χωρίς καμία αποζημίωση ολόκληρη την περιουσία όσων έλαβαν άδεια να φύγουν από τα κατεχόμενα από τους Βούλγαρους εδάφη.

Τον Αύγουστο του 1943 Βούλγαροι στρατιώτες ζήτησαν από τον Ευστάθιο Αρβανιτάκη κάτοικο των Σερρών είτε να πληρώσει ένα ποσό είτε να τους παραδώσει τις 2 κόρες του. Ο Αρβανιτάκης φυσικά αναγκάστηκε και τους έδωσε όλα τα  κοσμήματα που είχε στην κατοχή του.

Τον Αύγουστο του 1943, ο Πετρόπουλος, ιατρός και ο Κωνστίνος. Καζαντζής δημόσιος υπάλληλος συνελήφθησαν ως όμηροι στα Σέρρας και στάλθηκαν στη Βουλγαρία.

Το 1943 οι Βούλγαροι για να εφαρμόσουν το σχέδιο εξόντωσης του ελληνικού πληθυσμού στις κατεχόμενες από αυτούς περιοχές, συλλαμβάνουν μεταξύ των χιλιάδων κατοίκων τους διανοούμενους και προύχοντες της περιοχής. Αυτοί οι συλληφθέντες θεωρούνται "σαν να επρόκειτο για φόνο" και στάλθηκαν ως όμηροι στη Βουλγαρία Στην πραγματικότητα, περνούν κακουχίες, δουλεύοντας 14 ώρες την ημέρα, λιμοκτονούν, ξεντυμένοι και καταδικάζονται από το βουλγαρικό κράτος να πεθάνουν.

Από την κατάληψη της Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας και Θράκης, το μέτρο αυτό εφαρμόστηκε με την δικαιολογία της επιστράτευσης.
Οι εναπομείναντες νέοι κλήθηκαν κατά το δεύτερο εξάμηνο του 1943 και στάλθηκαν στη Βουλγαρία. 
Η στάση των Βούλγαρων αξιωματικών και στρατιωτών απέναντι τους είναι βάρβαρη, οι εργασίες είναι σκληρές και η τροφή τους πολύ φτωχή. Φοράν βουλγαρικές στρατιωτικές στολές και στέλνονται στο εσωτερικό της Βουλγαρίας για σκληρή εργασία χωρίς καμία διάκριση, αγροτών διανοουμένων, επιστημόνων εμπόρων κ.λπ. .Αυτές οι κλήσεις απευθύνονταν πολύ συχνά σε νεαρούς άντρες ηλικίας 15-17 ετών και άνδρες ηλικίας 50,80 ετών προκειμένου να συμπληρωθεί ο απαιτούμενος αριθμός. Οι Βούλγαροι δεν ενδιαφέρονται για τις σωματικές και υγειονομικές συνθήκες των κληθέντων. Παρακάτω δίνουμε μια αριθμητική λίστα καλούμενων από την περιοχή μας που περιέχετε στα έγγραφα:
Τον Αύγουστο του 1943 στο Χόρτερο (Σιδηρόκαστρο): 20 άτομα.
Στο Σιδηρόκαστρο: 50 άτομα.
Στα Σέρρες οι άντρες 20-23 ετών κλήθηκαν για υποχρεωτική εργασία στην Κούλα.(στην περιοχή των συνόρων του σήμερα).
Στα Πορόια όλοι οι άνδρες 18, 19 και 20 ετών

Τον Οκτώβριο του 1941 ο Χριστοδούλου Κεραμίδας και ο Κωνστίνος Σιακαβέρος δολοφονήθηκαν στα Σέρρα από Βούλγαρους στρατιώτες. Τα πτώματά τους βρέθηκαν κομματιασμένα  στο χωριό Καμήλα.

Βούλγαροι Κομιτατζήδες και στρατιώτες μπήκαν στο Μοναστηράκι
προκειμένου να συλλάβουν όλους τους άντρες του χωριού. Όλοι οι ικανοί άντρες ωστόσο, είχαν καταφύγει στα βουνά και έτσι οι Βούλγαροι συγκέντρωσαν τους γέροντες, τις γυναίκες και τα παιδιά και τους φυλάκισαν σε στάβλους του χωριού χωρίς φαγητό για 3 ημέρες. Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της περιόδου, οι Βούλγαροι βίαζαν τις γυναίκες του χωριού, βίαζαν και τα νεαρά κορίτσια 10 και 12 ετών. Αναφέρεται ότι 3 νεαρά κορίτσια πέθαναν από κακομεταχείριση που υπέστησαν. 

Οι παρακάτω κάτοικοι στα Πορόια, συνελήφθησαν για συμμετοχή σε επαναστατικό κίνημα στις 5 Οκτωβρίου 1941:
1 Αθανάσιος Σιώντος
2 Στέργιος Αφθεμίδης
3 Στέργιος Στεργιάδης
4 Αδαμάντιος Λαζαρίδης
5 Δήμος Αφθεμίδης
6 Ευάγγελος Καραπουρούσης
7 Αριστοτέλης Λαζαρίδης
8 Παναγιώτης Πανέκας
Μεταφέρθηκαν στα ελληνοβουλγαρικά σύνορα με πρόσχημα το να εργαστούν στην κατασκευή οχυρώσεων. Φτάνοντας στον προορισμό τους, δολοφονήθηκαν από πυρά πολυβόλου και τα σώματά τους πετάχτηκαν σε ένα χαντάκι όπου βρέθηκαν λίγες μέρες αργότερα από συγγενείς.

Τα παρακάτω άτομα εκτελέστηκαν σχεδόν με τον ίδιο τρόπο κατά τη διάρκεια του Οκτωβρίου 1941 από την Ροδόπολη:
1 Στ. Κωνσταντινίδης
2 Λάζαρος Χαραλαμπίδης
3 Αλεξ. Αποστολίδης
4 Παύλος Ζαχτσίδης
5 Νικόλαος Ζαντίδης

Ο Ιωάννης Μάλαμας και ένας νεαρός από τα Βυρώνεια σκοτώθηκαν στο Κοχίλιον (Σιδηρόκαστρο) *Δεν γνωρίζουμε την ορθότητα περί αυτού. (Οκτώβριος 1941)

Στις 7/7/42, ο Κοσμάς Παπαδόπουλος, πατέρας 4 παιδιών, συνελήφθη από Βούλγαρους στρατιώτες ενώ όργωνε τη γη του κοντά στα βουλγαρικά σύνορα και σκότωσε μπροστά στα 2 παιδιά του με την κατηγορία ότι πέρασε σε βουλγαρικό έδαφος.

Στις 15/7/42, Βούλγαροι στρατιώτες του φυλακίου της Κερκίνης εισήλθαν στη γερμανική κατεχόμενη περιοχή κοντά στη θέση Βάλτος και πυροβόλησαν χωρίς λόγο κατά των αγροτών Γεώργιο. Ιερεμιάδη και Γεώργιο Χιμωνίδη. Ο τελευταίος επίσης συνελήφθη και κακομεταχειρίστηκε και στη συνέχεια σκοτώθηκε.

Στις 6/9/41 συνελήφθη στα Σέρρας απελάθηκαν στη Σόφια :
1 Ι. Σαραϊδάρης
2 Γεώργιος Μίχου
3 Νικόλαος Καπανίκης
4 Aθανάσιος Παπατσάκης
5 Σ. Κατεάλης

Τον Απρίλιο-Μάιο του 1942 απελάθηκαν από τα Σέρρες οι εξής:
1) Ορέστης Καζαμίας
2 Ιακ. Καυταντζής
3 Δημήτρης Λιανόπουλος
4 Σταύρος Χατζόπουλος
5 Παπανίδης.
6 Κρ. Σαρδέλλας
7 Φράγκος.

Στις 14/5/42 355 πολίτες  του Σιδηροκάστρου, 12 από την Λευκοθέα (Σερρών) και 40 από την Ηράκλεια (Κάτω Τζουμαγιά) στάλθηκαν στη Σόφια.

Τον Σεπτέμβρη του 1941 βασανίστηκε και εγκαταλείφθηκε ο Γ. Τζυμας στη Λιβαδιά
Τον Σεπτέμβρη του 1941 βασανίστηκε και εγκαταλείφθηκε η  Τζύμα στα Πορόια.
Τον Σεπτέμβρη του 1941 βασανίστηκε και εγκαταλείφθηκε ο Α Μπακιρτζής στα Πορόια,

Στις 15/4/42 πυροβολήθηκαν άνευ λόγου και αιτίας ο Β. Κατσυλάδης και ο Ρ. Κατσυλάδης .

Το 1942, Βούλγαροι βίασαν και έκοψαν το στήθος μιας γυναίκας βιάστηκε στα Σέρρες.

Το 1942, μια νεαρή κοπέλα βιάστηκε από Βούλγαρη «περιπολία» στο σπίτι της, στην πλατεία Ομονοίας Σερρών.

Το 1941-1942, τα χωριά Νέο Πατρίτσι, Κατάφυτο, Ροδόπολη, Κερκίνη, μαζί με άλλα χωριά των Σερρών κάηκαν ολοσχερώς από τους Βούλγαρους.

Τμήματα των έγγραφων που κατείχε η CIA
Information found in this paragraph gives a picture of the scale of atrocities committed by the Bulgarians during the second six month
period of 1943.
'All those who escaped from the Bulger() occupied areas, narrate'
the desperate position of the remained Greek population.
The annihilation of the Greek race in tr,e areas of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace took.a systematic end official form e The Bulgarian State
uses every mean and try to annihilate every Greek.
The population cannot remain under Bulgarian occupation . The pro-
hibition of any Greek to exercise even the smallest profession, the requisition of production, tho military resuisitions of food,vehicles,livestock etc . without paying any indemnities and the political mobilisation
of specialists of produation, the terrorism by executiaglarreating,i11-
treating, violatingplooting,plundering and taxing, all together compell
the remaining Greeks to abandon all'their properties and take refuge to territories which are not yet occupied by Bulgarians.

MURDERS.- On the 14/8/43,Dimitries Theoharidis aged 31 was compelled to leave Serras with his family in order to find a safer
area in Greece. 24 persons more followed Theeharldi family .While crossing Strymon river ,they were noticed by bulgarian scldiers who attacked them.
From this attack,the following were killed
1) Efmorfia Theoharidi aged 28
2) Mi88 Voulgari EVangolou,fromVolos
3) Soultanitsa,Theoharidi's daughter,aged 3
4) p enhala Pashali's. daughter with her 2 small children
5) Vassilios Hatzigrigoriou
8) Hristos Hatzigrigoriou,aged-9
7) . Kalliopi D emballapaged 34,pregnant
9) Georgioe Tsitzis from Voznikau,Serras.
From the 24 refugers only 8 succeeded to escape hiding themse/-
for several days in tho mountains and crevices.
Hristos Efstathiadis inhabitant of Serras was compelled to cross Strymon river with his family in order to take zefuge in the germaneoccupied area of Greece. He decided to do so as the Bulgarians demanded his 18 year old daughter. Bulgarian soldiers,however,noticed his crossing and fired on them.His. daughter Aged 18 and his son aged 8 were killed.The father was not allowed to take the bodies of his children.
On the 4/7/43,Georgios Polyzas aged 32 from Paliokomi(Serras)
was killed while attempting to escape from the bulgaro occupied area
near the gulf Of Strymonikou.
In August 1943, Ilia Arvanitidi and Georgiou Anagnostaki families, Ath.Triantafillidis, priest, Ath. Arambatzis, Nikolas Kritomenis, Antonios Arvanitidis, Konst. Tahtsiettotal of 20 persons were arrested by the bulgarian authorities in the Kounarghia village (Serrae) for intending to escape from the bulgaro occupied Greece.
They were sent to the bulgerian outpost of Adelfikou where Konst.Triantafillidis priest and 2 others were killed by Bulgarians on the spot.The women and children were released except Efthalia Papoutsidou and Dimitroula Dimitrakaki the youngest amongst the women who were violated.
In August 1943,Dimitrios Hrisohoos,Stefanos Ladopoulos and
Ioannis Topalitis.workers of brick factory,were killed by Bulgarians
in Prosotsani for resisting against the looting of the brick factory's
tools and machines.
• On the 15/9/43,22 inhabitants of Kali Vrissi,Hardltomeni and
Mikropolis villagisovere arrested by the bulgarian authorities in the
area of Menikio mountain l in reprisal for guerilla activity.Herebelow,
WO give a nominal list of the above victims:-
1) Konst.Triantafillidis,aged 60 '12)Ioannis TsIngolis l aged 66
2) Georg o Triantafillidis,aged 19 13)Konat.Symoonidis,aged 40
3) Ilias Haralambidis,aged 50 14)Dimitrios Siherlis,aged 43
4) Hristos Haralambidis,aged 18 15)Mihail Siherlis,aged 22
5) G eorgios Baralambidis,aged 14 16)Pan.Iordanidis,aged 38
8) Haralambos Deklidis,aged 40 17)Anast.Iordamidis,aged 35
7) Athan.Papadopoulos,aged 40 18)Konst.Iordanidis,aged 15
' 8) Har.Eleftheriadis t aged 45 19)Triant.Tiiantafillidis aged 35
9) Ilias Athanassiadis,aged 50 20)Ververidis Vasilios,aged 45
10) Mihail Mihailidis,oged 14 21)Vlahos
11) Anestis Hatzidis,aged 25 22)One from Metropole of unknown name
All the above were conducted out of Haritomeni village where they were machine gunned.
87 inhabi'ants in total were arrested from Mikropolis,Kali Vrissi,Kallithea,0r;_Ameni and Prousovon villages.
On the 15/8/45,a bulgarian gendarme was killed by unknown. Bulgarian authorities carried out the following reprisals against the population of Kavalla area:- Dim.Koletsis,Hristos Rantis,Stergiannis Triantafillos,Triantafillos and the postman were executed in the Pcristereon village-Besides 9 others and 2 young girls were arrested and their fate is unknown. 9 persons were murdered in the Haideton village.Amongst them are Nerantzis Nerantzopoulos,Mantziris and Hristofilos..
In the Keramoti village 2 persons were killed. Athanassios and Aristidis Boulaxis,brothers,their father and the son of Aristidis Boulaxis were arrested in the Nee Karye village and their fate is unknown.
The murders ,arrests and ill treatments were carried out in the above area by a bulgarian motorised unit-The Commanding Officer of Hris.
soupolis gendarmerie ordered that the bodies must remain unburned for 2 days in the place of their execution.From reports received we learn that the above commanding officer executed Nerantzin Nerantzopoulon.
In August 1943,300 hostages working in Bulgaria were killed from
an explosion in Kaula.Angelos Tollios,Athanassios Tzimourtas and Konst. Mihalelis were amongst the victims.
In October 1945 Timoleon Ioannidis was arrested in Drama and executed near Hriston village,for poseessing arms.
Konstantinos Margettis was executed without trial in Dafnon vii-.
lege for the same reason. ILL TRFATMENTS. Ioannis Mails aged 45,merchantp!as robbed by bulgarlan soldiers in Serras and beaten so hard that they broke his foot.
Di, ;Aries Babaropoulos,grocer,and his father were mercilessly beaten by bulgrians in Banitsa(Drama) in order to abandon . their profession and succeeded to escape from slaughtering by handing their fortunes to them.
Eleanthis Avramidis aged 47 and Kleanthis Hatzinikolaidis workers of Lignite mines,wore mercilessly beaten in Serras . The latter was
sent to prison.
The following members of Dimitriou Sknrlatou family, aged 38,farmer were mercilessly beaten on the 22/6/43 in the Sidirokastron Railway Station:-Dimitrios Skarlatos, Hrissoula Skarlatos,their childrentGeorgios,Margionitsa,Fotika,Katina and the mother Ekaterini Skarlatou,the brothers Nikolas,Athanassibs,Maria and Mihail Skarlatos.

In Sidirokastron,during 1943,a bulgarian gendarme kicked Noula
Kapotevalti,who was pregnant, for speaking greek.She avorted and was left in a very poor condition.
In August 1943,Nikolas Karakitsos,Theodoros Varrinis,Errikos Raptis and 2 otjtrs attempted to cross Strymon river.Bulgarian soldiers noticed them and fired.Theo.Varrinis and Errikos Raptis were seriously wounded. -
An old woman named TheodoJsia Karanikola was beaten by bulgarian gendarmes for 2 days in the Nerofraktis village(Drama .because her son Nikolas escaped in order to avoid to be sent as hostage to Bulgaria.
The mother and father of . Georgios Nerantzani wore also mercilesly beaten for the some reason.
Papastefanos Kotronis,priest of Nerofrakti village was mercilessly beaten by bulgarian gendarmes and soldiers.
The following ware narrated by a refugee from Baritameni village
(Drama) concerning the attitude of the Bulgarian authorities to greeks:..
On the 5/7/43,the bulgarian Commanding Officer of an outpost near- Baritomeni village ordered Mih.Kikos to leave his house with his
family in an hour timo,because his relatives arriving from Bulgaria should be established there.As Kikos replied that . his family was composed of 8 persons and that he had many tools,livestook etc . ...,he was kicked and threatened that if in an hour time the house waa not abandonned with everything in it ,all members should bo machine gunned.Kikos and his family were compelled to do so and on their way while crossing Ahino river bulgarian soldiers fired on them.Ono of the members was killed and the body was seen to be carried away by the current of the river.
On the 4/9/43,50 women and children were arrested by a bulgarian patrol in the Nerofrakti village and sent to prison where they were beaten during the whole day.
Takisoidis,Takis Radis and Danis were arrested in Drama during September 1943,sent to prison and ill treated for helping poor greek families.
In August 1943,Stergios Trihopoulos was arrested for unknown reason in Kavalla and sent to prison for 3 months where he was savagely tortured.
VIOLATIONS.- Efstratioa Yannitselas and his wife Styliani aged 30, were arrested by Bulgarian solditrs in the Aderfikon village and conducted to the Communal Offices where the wife was violated in front of the husband and the latter mercilessly beaten,
In August 1943, the wife of Dimitri Theodoridou, inhabitant of Serras,was taken to the fields by Bulgarian gendarmes. There, 20 Bulgarian soldiers and the policeman of Serras Police Station violates her sucoesively.
In August 1943, 4 young girls wore violated by bulgarian : refugees ih the Evanghelistla quarter of Sidirokastron.
'PLUNDTIRS The robbering of Greek inhabitants is carried out by the public employees and kondarmes. The custom authorities of Rodopolis and Porrion rob daily the passing refugees to the Germano occupied area of don in.
In October 1943, Photini Kalsaika, Manio Niooladu, Dimitrieu Hadziacogiou family, Eleonora Leondiadou, Spyros Makaveos, Fti Constantinidou, Mergaritis, Mashidis, Dimos Papadicolaou, Vaghia and Aldine Baxevaaid= were robbed by the Customs employees and gendarmes of Porrion.
Bulgarian authorities applying as excuse the law of requisition, confiscated without anyindemnity tho entire fortune of those who obtained permission to go from the Bulgaro occupied territories .
In August 1943, Bulgarian soldiers asked from Tfstathios Arvanitakis inhabitant of Serras either to pay a sum or to hand his . 2 daughters.
The above naturally was compelled 4..o hand ell s'.)mis"nnd jewels he had in his possession.
PERMS.- Athanassios KalafidiS aged 80 was arrested by Bulgarians during August 1943 in Xanthi and was tortured and beaten so hard that he died from his wounds few days after his release killed by a bulgarian detachment in the Ionikqn village(Xanthi).
In September 1943,Fotios Sideras,Dim.Oalakis and 2 others were Panagiotis Hristopoulos and Georgios Rangos were murdered by bulgerian soldiers in Alexandroupolis.
VIOLATIONS.- In Volonin(Xanthi) terrorism is amazing.Refugees narrate that bulgarian soldiers and gondarmes enter the houses
asking for women.E4doxia Apostolou was attacked by 3 bulgarian soldiers but as she resisted ,they ill treated and left her in a Very poor condition. 3 young girls Were violated during the same period by bulgarian soldiers in the Naghikon village.
Domias Batzakidou was attacked and violated by bulgarian soldiers in Hisnistra . Her husband attempted to save her but was mercilessly..beaten.
The 2 daughters of Stef.Soupiadou were violated by bulgariana in the same village.
In August 1943,Petropoulos,physician and Konst.Kazantzis public employee were arrested an Serras as hostages and sent to Bulgaria.
In September 1943,208 hostages were arrested in Drama and sent to Bulgaria. Hronidis,dental surgeon,Dinos physician and X.Stefanidis
were amongst the arrested as hostages.
38 young men were arrested in Katsikari and Flefthere villages and sent as hostages to Bulgaria.
In Kavalla,only 5 greek priests remained.They were arrestedand sent as hostages for unknown destination.
30 inhabitants were arrested in Stavroupoli during August1943 and sent as hostages to a concentration camp in Bulgaria.
Georgios, Maghissalis, M.3oumboulinis, Theo.Karagapis, Stefe Symeonidis, Dim. Gialamas, Georgios Karathaaassis, Dim.Fiasaks,Georgios Artopios jossif Lazaridis and Zak Kaze wore amongst the hostages arrested in Xanthi during the . same period and sent to Bulgaria.
Aristidis Hadziantonoglou, Stamatios Stamatiadis, Evangelia Anthoghalaktidis,Adamidis and Charalambos Naroglou were amongst the 22 hoestages who were arrested in Komotini on tho 27/8/43 and sent to a Bulgarian concentration camp.
On the 24/8/43 ) Costandinidis, tobacco merchant, Theologis Constandinidis, Athanassios Theodoridia, barrister, Frederic Astridis,
lbanhis Kaikas, Panayottis Geraesimou and Solon Economidis yere amongst the 13 hostages arrested in Komotini.
300 hostages were arrested a few days later in the same town and sent to Bulgaria. Anestis Tsanakas and Angelos Tolios were arrested as how stages on the 8/10/43 in the Vitasti villagcPangeon) and sent to Bulgaria.
In October 1 9 43,Alexandros Toumbanidis and Dimitrios Sidiropoulos were arrested as hostages in Sappas village(Komotini) and sent to Bulgaria.
Bulgarians in order to apply their plan of annihilation of the greek population lathe occupied areas by them,arrest amongst the inhabitants the intellectuals and notables of the area . These arrested* are considered as if they were murder° and aro sent as hostages to Bulgaria..
In fact ,they are passing through hardships t working 14 hours daily,starving,unclothed and are condemned by the bulgarian state to die.
The compulsory labobr is one of the hardest measurea taken by the bulgarian State for the annihilation of the greelc population.
Since the occupation of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace,this measure was applied on the excuse of mobilisation(see 13111.0.34&035).-
The remaining young men were called up personally during the second semestre 1943 and sent to Bulgaria.
The attitude of the bulgarian officers and soldiers towards tho mobilised is barbarous ,the work conclitions are hard and their nourishment is very poor .Thy wear bulgarian military uniforms and are sent to the interior of Bulgaria for hard labour without any distinction of farmerspintellectuals,scientistmerchants etc . .. .Those calls were very oftenly addressed to young men aged 15-17 and men aged 50,80 in order to obtain the necessary required number.Bulgarians'are not interested for the physical end hygienic conditions of the called up. Herebelow we give a numerical list of the called up per areas:.
In August 1943 in the Horteron village(Sidirokastron) :20 persons
In Sidirokastron : 50 persons.
In Serras the men aged 20-23 were called upend sent to Koula
for compulsory labour.
In Porria the mon aged 18,19 ,20 wore called up.
In August 300 persons were sent from Kavella to Bulgaria for
compulsory labour.
40 persons were arrested from Elefthere,KotsMari and Neos
Peramos villages and sent to the bulgarian eparchios of the Danube river for compulsory labour.
In August 1943,2500 young men were sent from Xanthi to Ano
Tzoumahia for compulsory labour.
50 young men aged 15-17 were called up in Defnan village and sent to Bulgaria 7 young men were sent from Komnino(Xanthi) village to Bulgaria for compulsory labour.
In August 1943,the young men born in 1922-23 were called up in Komotini and sent to Momtonlov-Orant(Kirtzali).
In November 1943,133 persons wore arrssted in Xanthi and sent to Bulgaria for hard labour.
On the 24/10/43,100 inhabitants of Komotini were arrested and sent to Bulgaria for compulsory labour


EXECUTIONS . 28 persons were sentenced to death by the Bulgarian Martial Courts of Drama and executed on the
29/9/41. Only the following names of these are known :-
1 Ioannis Arvanitidis.'
2 Dimitrf Kombanitaidis
3 kthanassios Koutas
4 Dimitri Triferidis
5 Suripidis Koukissos
The following were executed in Kormitsa village in
October 1941, after a short trial :-
1 Anastassios Ghizos
2 Ioannis Erkekoglou
3 Georgios Erkekoglou
4 Xnastassios Bothoroglou
5 Dimitri Tsakiroglou
6 Leonidas Irakliotis
7 Christodoulos Tergantis
The followingwere executed in Berihora
1 Dimitri Tiokas , aged 70-
2 Stoyannis Liokas, " 55-
3 Michael Iiokas, " 35-
4 Charalambos Youzouklidis aged 30-
5 Christos Kallis , aged 25-
Evarigelos Tsigos was executed in Mandilion village:
MURDERS:The following were also killed during the September
and October 1941 slaughters of Drama.-
1 I. Velmidis
2 D. Papadimopoulos
3 Gialampounis
4 Papacostnadinou
5 Missinis
6 Michael Sideras
7 I. Zaharis
8 Polydevkis Kipinis
The following were killed in Yirkini village daring
the same months :-
1 K. Giofkas 1 Minas Tsiftsis
2 StamatioU . alias Psaltis 5 G. Askros
Pet rou
3) I. Tagos 6) Y. Petsikopoulos
The following ' were killed in Penthiliro
1) G. Chrissouzakis 2) Paraskevas gavroudis & 3) Stergios Katzakis.
The following were killed in Lefki village :-
1 Savas Panthimou
2 Kiprianos Kyriakidis
3 Stylianos Koutounidis
4 Theodoros Agathonikiadis
5 G. Tagmadzidis •
6 Milti adis Agathonikiadis
7 G. Michailidis.
Victor gichd lidie
In October 1941, Christodoulou Keramidas • and Const. Siakaveros were murdered in Serras by 1411garian soldiers. Their bodies were found cut in pieces in Kamila village. 
Bulgarian Komitadzis and mldiers entered MonastirokiorG in
order to arrest all the male inhabitants. All able bodies men
had however fled to the mountains and so the Bulgarians assembled the old men, women and children and confined them to the
village stables without food during 3 days. During that period,
the Bulgarians violated the women of the village, raping e'en
young girls of 10 and 12 years of age. It is reported that 3 .
young girls died from ill-treatments they were subjected, to.
The following inhabitants of In° Porroia. village *ere arrested
for having participated in a revolutionary movement on' the5th October 1941
1 Athanassios Siontos 
2 Stergios Afthemidis
3 Stergios Stcrgiadis
4 Adamandios Lazaridis
5       Dimos Afthemidis
6       Evanselos Karapourousis
7       Aristotelis Lazaridis
8       Panayottis Panekas

They were taken to he Greek-Bulgarian border to work on the
construction of fortifications. On reaching their destination,
they were mown down by machine gun fire and their bodies thrown
in a ditch where they were found a few' days later by relatives.
The following were executed in much the same way during
October in Rodopolis :
1 St. Constandinidis
2 Iazaros Haralambidis
3 Alex. Apostolidis
4 Pavlos ZahtsidiS
5 Nicolas Zantidis
Ioannis Malamas and a young man from Vironia, were killed in Kohilion villaga.(Didirokastron) during the Same tenth.
On the 7/7/42,,Kosmas Papadopoulos, father of 4 children was seized by Bulgarian soldiers while. tilling his land near the Bulgarian frontier and killed in front of his 2 children on the charge that he tresspassed into Bulgarian territory.
On the 15/7/42, Bulgarian soldiers of Kerkini's outpost entered the German occupied area near Valtos place and fired without reason against the p easants,Georgi . Ieremiadis and Georgios Himonidis. The latter was also arrested and ill-treated and then killed.

ARRESTS:- The following were arrested and imprisoned in the
Alistrati (Serrae) in September 1941:-
1 rxmidis Lazaros
2 Kalinikes (priest)
3 Constaadinos Veghiris
4 Daskalakis
5 Georgios Sambrantidis
In March 1942, Bulgarians arrested many innocent
civilians and amongst others the following
-1 ;:thanassios Giamelis
2 Milli adis Moshou
3 Dimitri Shiatsis
4 Dimitri Yombos

DEPORTATIONS-EXTIES The following mentioned in our Bulletin
C.34 as arrested in Serras during the
6/9/41 were deported to Sofia :-
1 I. Saraidaris
2 Georgios Mihou
3 Nicolas Kapanikis
4 kthanassios Papatsakis
5 S. Katealis
In September 1941, 20 notables, men from Prosotsani,
8 from Horisti, 7 from Yokinoyou, 12 from Plataanioe,5 from
Fotolivou, 9 from Pyrghon, 9 from Xeropotamon, 11 from Perithorion, 15 from Lazanou, 13 from Kyrghion, 9 from Kalambakion,
and all the men of Ohirou were deported to Bulgaria.
In April-May 1942, the following were deported from
Cavalla to Bulgaria :-
1)i. Economidis
2 Gerassimos Economidis
3 Georgios Pericleous
4 Ev. Theodoridis
5 G. Vassilikos
From Serrae :-
1) Orestis Kazamias
2 Iak. Kaftantzis
3 bimitri Lianopoulos
4 Stavros Hatzopoulos
5 Papanidis.
6 Kr. Sardellas
7 Frangos.
- On the 14/5/42, 355 civilians of Sidirokastron, 12 from
Lefkothea (Serrae) and 40 from Iraklia (Kato Tzoumaghias) were
sent to Sofia.,:
Serras Ch.Koramyefas October1941 Vkirdored
Ano Porya A. Syondos  5-10-1941 Murdered
Ano Porya S. Anthemidis  5-10-1941 Murdered
Ano Porya S. Stergyadis  5-10-1941 Murdered
Ano Porya A. Lazaridis .  5-10-1941 Murdered
Ano Porya D Anthemidis 5-10-1941 Murdered
Ano Porya E. Karapourousis 5-10-1941 Murdered
Ano Porya A. Lazaridis 5-10-1941 Murdered
Ano Porya P. Panetas 5-10-1941 Murdered
S. Constandinidis
L. Hara lambidis
A. Apostolidis
P. Zahtidis
N. Zantidis
Kerkinis G. Rymonidis 15-7-1942 Tbrilured
Lyvadia .G. Dzymas septembor 41Tortured andboaton.
Porroia Mrs Dzyma septembor 41Tortured andboaton.
Porroia A Bakirdzis septembor 41Tortured andboaton.
Kerkini B. Katsyladis 1S-4-1942 Shot,ccesfully and ill-troted.
Kerkini R. Katsyladis 1S-4-1942 Shot,ccesfully and ill-troted.

On the 25/6/43, George MARIDIS, from Serras, attempted to cross the Strymon river near Ahinos village. He was fired at by Bulgarian soldiers of the frontier outpost and was wounded.

In 1942, a woman was raped and her breast was then cut off by Bulgarians in Serras.

On the 9/6/42, the daughter of Vassiliou GRIGORELTI, Fotina, was raped by Bulgirian soldiers in Livadia (Dorrion).

In the same period, a young girl was raped by a Bulgarian 'patrol in her house, OmoAia Square of Serras.
On the 3/6/42, 7 Bulgarian soldiers violated the wife of Nicolas NAKI in Mikropolis in front of her husband.

In 1941 -1942, the villages Neo Patritsi,MAkropolis,Prousovo,Megalokambos,Kalithea,Agriant,Sitagri,Nea Pafra,Katitsa,
Platanovoutsi,Platanda,Kalos Agros,Katafiton,Filipi,Nercfraktis,Yrosotsani,Rodopolis,Kerkini,MikrokaMbos,Alistrati,Nikiforos,
KoumbaLitsa,Seliani,Kousloukicn,Pallambelo,Mavrokordato, idar
Proti, Iliokomou, Konnitsa,Proklofi, Ghjourdsik,Mavrolivathi,Piksarion, were burnt to the ground.

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